Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Toiling Away

So I've gone and done my first round of research on ebook promotion, and, pending seeing how effective it ends up being, I'll give a more detailed explanation in a later post. I've also got the initial cover art for Scoundrel's Answer. It's not the greatest thing in the world, but for something done on the cheap, I'm hoping it will serve until such point as I manage to better afford a higher quality layout. I'll do some work to correct some of the artifacts on the layout before final release of course.

I'm going to be using the ratings garnered by the individual chapters posted to determine what needs the most work in editing. So far, the response is better than I expected for what is basically an unedited draft. This is somewhat problematic, since I was counting on some sort of criticism to tell me what sucked and what didn't. As it is, I'll have to use the ratings divergence to point out weak chapters. I already have two that I know I will have to rewrite, and one that I want to, time pending. Nothing that will change the overall story, but hopefully it will help fill in some details here and there. I'll try to allot some time for it over the next few days. Then it's just a sweep through to catch glaring errors and all should be set!

As for future projects, last night I sat down and did some brainstorming on a few ideas, and came up with about a half dozen or so shorts to fill out time while I find out if the Reavers of Aethwin concept is something worth coming back to. My main problem with the setting is that it is VERY generic, purposefully so. While that does make for a fun and familiar setup to quickly put a story together, it does give the setting itself a sort of 'sameness' feeling to those familiar with certain role playing game and fantasy tropes. I feel that I want to world build for my next major non-short story project, but such things take time. I guess we'll just have to see how things go while I get some short stories out.

Tonight's my Tuesday Night Tabletop Game, so I think tomorrow I'll settle down to start the rewrite process. Until next time!

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