Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wasted time not so wasted

What was supposed to be a week buckled down writing The Duel turned into a week of broken air conditioners, followed by thunderstorms. It seems every time I sat down to write, something called me away. While I made some progress, it's coming in at a crawl. However, all was not lost, as I spent some time putting Scoundrel's Answer out to Google Play, and at some point I realized that my tablet had a word processor on it.

However, I hadn't brought the original notes for The Duel along with me. Thus, I decided to work on another title whenever I could.

As much as I despise typing on a tablet, I still managed to knock out about three times as much on the new title as I did on The Duel, just standing in lines or while waiting for people. This has taught me a few things. First is that I need to get a more up to date tablet whenever I can. Second, I need to start using cloud storage for my work, so I can access it from any device.

Nine times out of ten, I've got access to my main computer, but on weeks like last week, it might be helpful to be able to work on my writing wherever, whenever I can. Lesson learned, I guess. Do I feel like last week was wasted? Yes and no. I would have loved to get more done on The Duel, but the fact I now have another work which should, if all goes well, be released shortly after The Duel is something of a bonus.

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