Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Busy Busy Month

I assure you, I am still alive.

It has been a busy busy month, and yet I don't have a release to show for it. Progress on The Enchantress of Ingley has been pretty steady, and I've got another fantasy work in progress that is more adventure based, but not enough to show at the moment. Mostly, it's been just a bad case of terrible timing all this month.

I suppose the release of the starter set for  D&D's new edition didn't exactly help with my time allotment either. What can I say? I'm an old school gamer at heart. I could ramble on for hours about it, but let's just say that from what I've seen so far, the system is largely redeemed from what they did in 4th edition in my eyes. Of course, the main core books aren't out until the coming months, so I just hope the trend continues.

Now I guess I best get back to writing. If I really buckle down, I might be able to get something up for release early next month.