Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A hell of a month

It has been, in a word, a hell of a month. Just when I thought things were settling down, real life decides to beat me about the head soundly. That having been said, I did get quite a bit of planning and some writing done, so hopefully we'll be able to see updates to Enchantress coming down the pipeline soon. I have the sequel thoroughly planned out, then a capstone for a trilogy. I'm very excited about it all. Less so, however, when I realize I need to really budget more for cover art. But I'll get to that point at some point.

This last month I've been doing house repairs and dealing with family crises, but I've also been absorbed with the release of the newest edition of Dungeons and Dragons. In case it was difficult to tell from my works, I am a huge tabletop gamer. I can't stop praising the new edition enough. It feels like I've finally come home to a system that is both new, and yet respects the history of the game. For me at least, it has thus far almost made up for fourth edition. Almost. We shall see what happens with the monster manual and dungeon master's guide.

In other news: In the near future, rather than posting chapters of serials I'm already posting elsewhere, regular readers of this blog can expect to see some shorter works posted here from time to time. I hope that this will encourage people to come back more often, as God only knows that my random ramblings can only go so far.