Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Oh wow, it's been a looong time.

Wow, a year and some change without an update. I blame this thoroughly on getting clotheslined by Real Life Issues. Nothing serious (for me) at any rate, but I had to drop so much to concentrate on helping loved ones get their lives in order that I hardly had the time, or the inclination to write. Those of you who follow me on literotica know that I've been continuing with Enchantress, which should have been finished A YEAR AGO, but doing so at a snail's pace.

Now, however, things have been sorted. I've got the last few chapters pretty much DONE and just needing an editing pass, I'll get them up in the coming weeks. I've got the outlines of a sequel in the making, which should be interesting, as well as ideas for several shorts.

More importantly, however, is that I finally have time to write again, and hopefully some time to tend to this blog. I'm almost afraid to announce what I intend to do here until it's done, just because I don't want anything to crop up and keep me from meeting my promises again.

Well, hopefully there'll be a more informative update soon. Maybe even with a short.

Until next time!