About Me

Born and raised in Texas, and damn proud of it, I have had a life long love of history, fantasy, and tabletop gaming. I have a great love of fantasy tropes, and believe that they can serve as a comfortable and familiar background to use as a starting point from which to explore other genres. This is, of course, reflected in my work thus far. I am not afraid to branch out, of course, and have several other works in other genres that can be found under another pen name..

While I have only recently come back to the writing I so enjoyed in my youth, I like to think that my avid tabletop gaming has kept my ability to spin a tale as sharp as ever, though of course I regret not getting back into the swing of things sooner. I do admit that the fact that it is now easier than ever to put together an eBook and get it out before people's eyes has encouraged me. Although I do hope some day to make a fair income from my writing, the new self publishing wave of the last few years is allowing me to put some things together between 'day job' projects.

Aside from toiling away at my real work, gaming, and writing when I can, I do adore my gardens. They're a place for reflection and calm, away from the bustle of day to day life and the strain of a computer screen. That having been said, I do not claim much skill in tending any plants. Success at making living things thrive has always seemed to escape me, but fortunately I live in a climate where the plants seem to flourish with little help. It seems the less time I spend interfering with them, the better they do, and for that I am grateful.

I do want to thank all the people who have found some small pleasure in reading my works, whether those free versions out on the internet or those which have paid versions only. It is truly heartening to see feedback and comments on particular stories, or people trying to guess where the plot of those released in serial form may lead next. If there is one thing that I do ask, however, it is that you take the time to rate, favorite, or review any of my stories you may have enjoyed, wherever you may have enjoyed them. It not only encourages me to work harder at putting out more content, but helps others discover those very stories.

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